Susie lives, works and podcasts from Oxfordshire and is available to travel for speaking engagements.

Contact Susie for more info.

Susie Burns is in her thirties and has 2 children aged 2.5 and 1. Before she had children, she worked in London as a Director at a Sponsorship and Events Agency.

Susie feels passionately that there is not enough career information available to those starting out their careers or even for people 5, 10, 15 years into their career and in need of a change for whatever reason. In 2017, Susie took a wrong turn in her career and was still astounded that 10 years after starting her career, resources had not improved. She had time to think about what it was she really wanted to do but didn’t know what direction the skills she had learnt could take her in.

On maternity leave in 2020, this idea of a career resource for people to learn about jobs they would never normally hear of, wouldn’t leave her alone. Once made redundant in September 2020 and after the birth of her second child in 2021, she decided to do something about it and The Career Couch podcast was born. She wants this to be a resource for people to be able to be inspired and learn about career possibilities for them.

Please email or DM Susie with any requests for careers you would like to hear about and please subscribe to the podcast!